DeSantis acknowledges for the first time that Trump lost the 2020 presidential elections

DeSantis acknowledges for the first time that Trump lost the 2020 presidential elections

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Florida Governor and aspiring 2024 Republican presidential candidate, Ron DeSantis, has stated for the first time at an event this weekend that former President Donald Trump lost the 2020 elections, a comment that has been met with reactions from Trump's spokespersons.

In response to DeSantis' comments made in an interview with NBC News on Sunday evening, Trump's spokesperson Steve Cheung said, "DeSantis should stop being Biden's biggest cheerleader."

When asked about Trump's claims of election fraud in the 2020 elections, DeSantis stated, "Of course he lost." The governor, who came into office in 2018 with Trump's endorsement and was reelected in 2022 by a wide margin, is competing for the Republican nomination in 2024, but is significantly behind Trump in the polls, with over a 30% difference.

DeSantis also mentioned in the interview that the true winner of the elections is the one who places their hand on the Bible every four years on January 20th, referring to the presidential inauguration ceremony.

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Last Friday, during a rally in Iowa, DeSantis had pointed out that it was proven that the theory of the 2020 election being stolen was not true. However, it was in the NBC News interview where he clearly stated that Trump lost the elections.

The previous week, Trump was formally charged with several criminal counts related to the Capitol riot by his supporters on January 6, 2021. Trump has pleaded not guilty in all the criminal cases he is facing, including charges related to the Capitol riot and other cases like the classified documents found in his Florida residence and alleged financial maneuvers in 2016.

So far, Trump has not commented on DeSantis' statements on his Truth social media account, but his spokesperson Steve Cheung has expressed that DeSantis appears to be a "cheerleader" for Biden.