Survey once again suggests that there's a perception that Biden is too old to be president and that Trump needs to mature

Survey once again suggests that there's a perception that Biden is too old to be president and that Trump needs to mature


Amid the ongoing discord in the United States, there's a point on which many seem to agree: they consider Joe Biden to be too old to be an effective president for a second term. Despite his similar age, Donald Trump generates less concern in this aspect.

Although age discrimination is prohibited in the workplace, the American population displays a certain bias in this regard, according to a new survey conducted by The Associated Press and the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

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In the survey, 77% of respondents believed that Biden is too old to be effective for another four years. This viewpoint is shared by 89% of Republicans and 69% of Democrats. 

It's worth noting that this opinion isn't limited to specific age groups, although older Democrats appear to be more favorable towards Biden's re-election in 2024.

In contrast, about half of American adults consider Trump to also be too old for the role, with this opinion being more common among Democrats than Republicans.

The survey reflects a widespread desire to see new and younger faces in politics, with a large majority of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents supporting the idea of establishing age limits for presidential candidates, members of Congress, and Supreme Court justices.

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Approximately 67% are in favor of requiring an age limit for Supreme Court justices, 68% support setting age restrictions for members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, and 66% endorse the same idea for presidential candidates.

Although most current politicians are of advanced age and amending the Constitution would take time, this survey suggests there's openness across various political trends to the idea that younger or new faces could capture public attention and support.