U.S. envoy says Israel did not provide evidence that Hamas diverts UN humanitarian aid

U.S. envoy says Israel did not provide evidence that Hamas diverts UN humanitarian aid

Adel Hana / Associated Press

In a rare criticism directed at Israel, David Satterfield, the U.S. Special Envoy for Humanitarian Affairs in the Middle East, stated that Israel has not provided substantial evidence to support the claim that Hamas is diverting aid provided by the UN. 

Satterfield also pointed out that the recent targeted killings of Gaza police commanders, responsible for protecting humanitarian convoys, have created conditions that make the safe distribution of aid "virtually impossible." 

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The lack of police escorts following Israeli attacks has led to an increase in attacks by criminal gangs on convoys, causing chaos. 

The U.S. special envoy highlighted that Israeli authorities have not provided concrete evidence of diversion or theft of humanitarian aid, and the current situation, with anarchy and protests, has disrupted the distribution process. 

Satterfield stated that efforts are underway to work with the Israeli government to find solutions that allow the continuation of humanitarian aid, possibly through the reinstatement of some form of security escort.

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This call comes amid the Israeli military offensive in Gaza, which has led to a severe humanitarian crisis.