US Senate to Begin Discussion on Aid Package for Israel and Ukraine Following Rejection of Migration Deal

US Senate to Begin Discussion on Aid Package for Israel and Ukraine Following Rejection of Migration Deal


The United States Senate resolved on Thursday to begin discussions on a aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and other allies following the collapse of the border deal, but uncertainties persisted regarding Republican support. The meticulously negotiated deal included measures to strengthen the border with Mexico.

The decision to kick off work on the new package won by 67 votes to 32, but the path remained uncertain. Senate leaders had not agreed on a process to limit debate time.

Majority leader Chuck Schumer said it was a good first step and promised that the Senate would "continue working on this project... until the job is done."

The Democrat has sought to salvage the $60 billion in aid for Ukraine and $35 billion for Israel, other allies, and national security issues, following the collapse last week of a bipartisan agreement to include border reinforcement measures in the package. Republicans are divided, and their leaders were struggling to devise a plan that everyone would accept.

Even if it overcomes the Senate hurdle, the project will face even greater challenges in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, whose speaker Mike Johnson has not commented on aid to Ukraine.

Some Republican senators have vowed to make every effort to delay the final decision.

"I will object to anything that speeds up the approval of this rotten foreign aid bill," Republican Senator Rand Paul said.

The United States no longer has funds to send missiles and ammunition to Kyiv as the war, about to enter its second year, reaches a critical juncture. Supporters of Ukraine say the lack of U.S. support is already being felt on the battlefield and in the civilian population. Meanwhile, Russia continues its attacks.

"Right now, in the middle of winter, there are people in the trenches in Ukraine who are dying under the bombs," said Republican Senator Thom Tillis.

However, many of his Republican colleagues have expressed reservations about supporting additional funds for Ukraine. After rejecting the bipartisan plan for the border as insufficient, they have insisted on re-linking border measures with foreign aid.