Donald Trump supports banning abortion in the US after 15 weeks of pregnancy

Donald Trump supports banning abortion in the US after 15 weeks of pregnancy


The former President of the United States, Donald Trump (2017-2021), future candidate for the Republican Party for the November elections to the White House, expressed his apparent support this Wednesday to ban abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, albeit with exceptions.

"The number of weeks that people now agree on is 15. And I'm thinking about that. And it will be something very reasonable," Trump said in an interview on the "Sid & Friends in the Morning" show on ABC.

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"But people, even the hard-liners, seem to agree that 15 weeks seems to be a number that people agree on."

Trump, who has mathematically already won the Republican primaries to the White House, was hopeful of "being able to unite the country around this issue" once he announces his proposal, despite a majority of Americans being in favor of abortion.

Since the Supreme Court of the United States overturned the 1973 ruling that de facto legalized abortion throughout the country in June 2022, this has become the main issue dividing Democrats and Republicans at the polls.

The former president admitted, in reference to abortion restrictions, that "you have to win elections," so the Republican proposal has to take that into account.

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"If you don't win elections, you're going to end up going back to square one on this issue," he said.

Dozens of conservative states have enacted restrictions or bans on abortion since the Supreme Court's 2022 ruling.

Trump appointed three of the nine justices who make up the High Court during his 2017 to 2021 term, expanding the conservative majority to 6-3.

The former president has repeatedly taken credit for the Supreme Court's decision, which consolidated the support of the country's most conservative sectors around his figure.