Trump considers Senator Marco Rubio as a possible vice presidential candidate: NBC

Trump considers Senator Marco Rubio as a possible vice presidential candidate: NBC


Former President Donald Trump and Republican pre-candidate for the upcoming November elections is considering Cuban-born Senator Marco Rubio as a vice presidential candidate, according to NBC.

The 52-year-old Republican, who aspired to the presidency in the 2016 campaign, was nicknamed by his then-rival Trump as "Little Marco" for his short stature, is one of the favorites, according to the network, which cites at least six sources close to the campaign.

Rubio, the son of Cuban migrants who arrived in the United States during the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista, would be the first Latino man in a Republican presidential ticket.

The possible nomination of Rubio, who speaks perfect Spanish, could also help in Trump's effort to attract the Latino vote, a decisive segment of the electorate in swing states.

Others with a good option are Senators Bill Hagerty of Tennessee and Tom Cotton of Arkansas, according to the channel.

Rubio has shown his loyalty to Trump in recent years and recently supported the idea that the Republican National Committee helps pay the growing legal bills in the defense of the former president (2017-2021), who faces four criminal cases.

Trump said last week that he was considering about 15 possible running mates during an interview with the Newsmax platform.

NBC News quoted an unidentified veteran Republican strategist from Florida, who said Rubio's candidacy "makes sense because he meets all the criteria".