Trump praises far-right figure Javier Milei during a rally: "I love him because he loves"

Trump praises far-right figure Javier Milei during a rally: "I love him because he loves"


Former President Donald Trump (2017-2021) declared his love for the Argentine president, Javier Milei, during a public event on Saturday. He had the opportunity to meet Milei last week at an event in Washington.

"I love him because he loves Trump. When he called, I took his call. Anyone who loves me, I like," said the potential Republican presidential candidate at a rally in Richmond, Virginia.

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Trump dedicated a few words to the ultra-conservative politician from the Avanza Libertad party, stating, "Even Argentina became MAGA," referring to the acronym of his campaign slogan, Make America Great Again.

Javier Milei and Donald Trump had the chance to greet each other last Saturday at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held in National Harbor, near Washington, DC.

In a video posted on social media, both leaders were seen meeting behind the stage minutes before the American took the stage at the CPAC event. They shook hands, hugged, had an informal chat, and took some photographs.

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"Make Argentina Great Again," Trump enthusiastically shouted to Milei, to which the Argentine president responded with his popular cry: "Viva la libertad, carajo!" (Long live freedom, damn it!).

In his CPAC speech, Donald Trump also made references to the Argentine, describing him as "a great gentleman" and "very popular." He added, "He's a great guy, and one of the few who can" make Argentina great again.